Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Let's be real....

So I'm going to play a little fess up game... I believe that once you put something out there it loses it's power over you so I'm going to test myself and share some true confessions..
If I let it the scale controls everything I do... let's be real, this is not the first time in my life I've been fat (shocker...haha).. I went to weight watchers when my son was 6 months old and dropped 50 pounds to become a life time member in about 8 months, accountability and going through a divorce helped that weight loss and plus being in my 20's didn't hurt a thing..it literally just fell off with a few very simple changes.
Next was in my mid-thirties.. my hubby (then boyfriend) moved in and brought some very unhealthy eating/cooking habits with him and I gained 20 pounds overnight it felt like... add living on steroids and pain meds due to degenerative disc disease and excessive amounts of crazy in our life with 6 kids and exes to deal with and before I knew it there was 35 pounds to lose... I discovered acupuncture for the disc disease and haven't taken steroids or a single pain pill since, gave up the desk job and went back to waiting tables and it fell off again.. took a little longer but you get the idea...
At 42 I was still wearing a bikini and was pretty proud of it.... then I quit my job to take care of Madilyn's needs and the movement stopped, eating to stuff my depression became the norm... coupled with a doctor telling me that I lived with so much stress that my metabolism was non-existent and I took it as a license to be fat forever.  I was back up into the high 180's that seemed to be my breaking point every other time.... too bad Madilyn got super sick last fall and I quit taking my anti-depressants and weight loss meds... BOOM... 20 more pounds..
Last February I stood on the scale and sat on the floor and cried when I saw 204.2 lbs... That's what I weighed when my son way born... the heaviest I had ever been... no pregnancy to blame this time and that's when I started this journey for real.  I felt like every odd was stacked totally against me and I stood on that damn scale 6 times a day hoping it was wrong... maybe if I changed the batteries it would read something different?  It's kind of fucked up the head games you can play with yourself sometimes to justify somethings in life.
I hit my treadmill like a crazy lady, cut out white flour and pasta and stopped standing on the damn scale.... I felt great and dropped a bunch of belly bloat quickly... then I got the scale back out and it hadn't moved more than a pound... talk about depressing... next was fitbody bootcamp... LOVED IT!  The workouts got me going but over time I lost the motivation to go... I was really struggling with the eating portion of it... the two things I did take away from it were my love of working out and the knowledge of NSV's (non-scale victories)... I told B the story of my favorite jeans when I had my first sit down session with him and how those jeans were in a basket in my closet and "the shirt"... the one my sister-in-law bought me 2 years prior and all I could do was get it over my head.(The shirt is on by the way, a little too fitted for comfort but it's on!) . He told me to put them out in plain view where I get to look at them every single day... and to take pictures of me trying them on..... OH BOY!  Talk about a reality check!  They hang on my closet door so they are the first thing I see every single morning.... and I'm going to share this...
These jeans are a size 10... I couldn't even button a size 16 much less breath in it when I took these pictures.  These were taken in April and I was super depressed after I took them but kept going.  I lost 12 pounds while going to bootcamp and managed to keep 9 of it off even over the summer but I felt myself slipping.
I do my workouts at home now with BOD (Beachbody on Demand)... I follow containers for eating 4-5 out of 7 days of the week to help control my portions and make healthier choices but that damn scale still haunts me.... I swear I've lost every 2-3 pounds twice because I have to play this stupid little head game with myself and see what I can "get away with" before I gain it back... that damn scale that has no personality at all could dictate my mood and my choices for the day... so I had my husband hide it!  
Last time I stood on it was just over a week ago and it said 186.1..... I'm back where I was when I thought I was fat the previous 2 times in my life... hahahahaha... how ironic is that?  I'm focusing more on my meal planning and the way I feel instead of giving the control to the damn scale.  I will have him take it out once or twice a month so I can check in but otherwise it's staying in hiding...
Instead I will try on the dang jeans....
Because regardless of what a scale says the proof is in the picture...(disclosure:  that is the teenage girls room... hahaha... only one with a full length mirror... Sorry Shyanne).... I have a ways to go but my ass is in them instead of hanging over!  
I could probably plow through the weight loss because now I know what I am doing but it's about making life changes for me not just losing the weight... I want to lose it and leave it there, not regain it because what I did wasn't sustainable for me.  I want to enjoy the dinner dates and drinks with my husband because we finally get to do that again. I don't want to spend my life saying "I can't eat that"... because I can... I'm learning, I'm finding myself, I'm making time for myself and I'm happy... super happy actually that the damn belly button ring may reveal it's next summer when I'm rockin a bikini just shy of 47 years old... 😊

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

I'm still going....

If anyone was wondering I am still here and I am still going.... I have seriously been questioning myself as to why I start stuff like this and don't share when I'm struggling.  It's the whole point really... to have a place to get it out.  So I'm going to get very real for a minute...

August and September are the absolute hardest months of the year for me.. it's when everything happened 5 years ago and we made Madilyn ours.  It's the time of year that the social worker and the probate court reviews come due, it's when the school wants to evaluate and it's depressing as fuck and stresses me right out.  I had a leg injury in July that affected my workouts and the Monday night food trucks at the park were enjoyed a little too much...and I fell off the non-smoking wagon after almost two years...  In mid August I admitted that the bootcamp thing wasn't working for me as I cannot and will not drag my fat ass out of bed at 5:00 am to make it work.. but I love the workouts...I don't miss counting macros though, I don't even understand them really, the only thing I can tell you about counting macros is they suck and I suck at it.

I was truly stuck at that point and ready to pull out my 21 day fix videos from 2 or 3 years ago but a friends post caught my attention on Facebook and I jumped before I gave myself a chance to think about it.  One year access to Beachbody On Demand.... I'm in love... had someone told me even 6 months ago that I'd be 46 and doing Shaun T Insanity Max 30 workouts I would've pissed myself laughing!  I have to modify about half of it but it's okay...I'M DOING IT!!  It helps with the emotional stress I struggle with and I feel better.  It's definitely an out for me and I have no excuses about not doing it because I'm home with the Peanugga anyway and she thinks it's hilarious... if I ever develop self-esteem issues I'm blaming her hanging on the gate giggling uncontrollably while I work out.  The more I huff and puff and make noises the more she laughs... little shit...

It must be doing something because I wore jeans on Monday that I haven't worn in 2 years... the scale says I'm down 17 pounds.. I have a long way to go but 17 pounds is a lot!  I can see my toes when I look down now and my belly doesn't get in the way when I'm getting off the couch... my back doesn't hurt.......and most importantly... I CAN ACTUALLY SEE THE FUCKING BELLY BUTTON RING!!!  I'm not ready to show it off yet but I can see it.....and that makes my day!