It's nap time again and I'm taking full advantage of the amount of silence.. I've done my daily gratitude practice, workout, food journal and podcast.. now I'm enjoying my therapy light while the house is quiet. All of these things are the pieces that keep me centered when I'm really feeling like I'm about to lose my shit.
I remember my dad telling me when I was around 19 (ish) "you are the most negative person I've ever met.. is anything ever right in your life?" That stung but it was oh so true... it set me on a path that I didn't even realize I was on for quite a while.. but I was still on it. A path to be a more positive person. To live a happier life and to leave the negativity behind. Some days with our crazy chaotic life it's super hard not to get trapped in the negative aspects.
I practice gratitude daily.. I also ALWAYS go to bed thinking about something positive that happened during the day or something I am looking forward to the next day. It affects my sleep if I don't.. if you don't leave the worries of the day behind they'll haunt your dreams. When I was early on in the practice of gratitude I remember hearing that it's impossible to be angry, mad, sad etc when feeling gratitude and I thought "who's the f'n idiot that came up with that?" BUT... it's true.. yes, I have more than my fair share of moments of those other feelings but one simple little thought adjustment and it's all the gratitude... for example this morning when the Sasshole was throwing the little Christmas tree all over the place.. I was like wtf... then I realized I'm so thankful it's that stupid tree and not my lamps. That damn tree can stay in my living room all year round and we'll make decorations appropriate for each coming holiday or season if it means she'll leave my lamps alone..
I'm thankful for the GIANT ass playpen purchased off of Amazon so I can get my workouts done and occasionally pee without a little person dictating what I am supposed to be doing in that moment. I am thankful for my therapy light and vitamin D3 supplements when there is no sunshine. I am thankful for my husband, daughter, Favre and Jenny for all the help with the Sasshole because without them I would be even crazier than I already am... I am thankful for the relationship I have with my adult children.. they are amazing people and I'm so blessed to be their momma... I am thankful for date nights because they are vital to keeping our marriage healthy and alive and I'm thankful that I have a husband that I can pour my heart out to even when it makes me feel like a monster and he still loves me and doesn't judge... I'm thankful that he randomly scrubs the toilet or does the dishes and I don't have to ask. I'm thankful for a hot cup of coffee every single morning and for going to sleep with my head on my husband's shoulder listening to his heartbeat every single night...
Do you see what I'm getting at? There are a million things in this world that every single one of us has going on that is negative and exhausting but dwelling on them doesn't change a single thing other than letting it entirely consume us. Start small... I always tell people "no matter how bad things are there's always something good in every single day.. pick one little thing and focus on it.. hang on for dear life if necessary"...
From the time the Sasshole first came into this world I couldn't wait to buy her little pink shoes.. she was about 18 months old before she finally could wear a size 1 because she was soooooo small.. I still have those little pink shoes packed away.. no matter what goes on in our life it always comes down to the little pink shoes so when my hubby and I were shopping the other day for the damn tree and shatterproof ornaments for the Sasshole it made my day when he found the perfect ornament that will never be packed away... it was always be in sight.. a constant reminder that no matter how things are going at the end of the day it's all about the pink fucking shoes...
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